I never cease to be amazed at the grace of God. Each time that I am reminded of His unmerited favor toward one such as myself, a rebel, a proud, self-focused sinner, I am staggered and brought to ask, "And Can It Be?"
I am always stirred by the words of that hymn that includes the question, "And can it be, that I should gain, an interest in the Saviors blood?"
A lofty thought indeed, for a rebel against God, to realize that a Holy God who is light and in whom there is no darkness at all would tolerate me enough to let me breath, much less, would deliver up His delightful, sinless Son to rescue me!
I feel that I must respond like Mephibosheth did when confronted with the unmerited favor of King David, "And he bowed himself, and said, What is thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?" (2 Sam.9:8)
A "dead dog" in truth!! What do I have that would win such lavish treatment? Why am I not consumed? How can I begin to fathom such depths of kindness and love?
I am left in silent awe! Lord, what would you have me to do? Can there be any other response?
Yes, I am left to wonder and muse upon the love of Christ that passeth all knowledge, I am left to desire that I might know it more, in it's depth, and length, and breadth, and height!
I am left to ask in joyous contemplation, "And Can It Be.....?"