"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war."
This morning as Bro.Stephen preached from Revelation 1 concerning "portraits of Jesus." He reminded us of the glorious person and work of Christ and that he is our very life!
This message stirred me to once again examine my own focus and to rejoice again in the greatness of him who is my all in all!
Thinking about this majestic vision that was given to John brought back to mind the vision from chap. 19 and verse 11 which I have copied above.
I am particularly taken with the names by which he is called in this verse...."Faithful and True"
Throughout scripture these attributes of God are declared and illustrated and have, in my own experience, been the cause for much thankfulness. I can attest to the truth of what the Hebrew writer says in Heb.13:5 concerning his faithfulness being sure and steadfast!
His faithfulness has stood and will stand for all eternity! I see this great faithfulness being extolled by the Son as he draws closer and closer to the cross.
He foretells his disciples that they will leave him alone but then goes on to say that "I am not alone, because the Father is with me." (John 16:32)
Though these close followers, whom he had shown such love and patience, would forsake him he confidently stood on the faithfulness of his Father.
This immovable faithfulness is also a rock for the Apostle Paul who says in 2Tim.4:16-17.... "At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge.
Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me;....." Amen! If God stands with us what more can we ask?
We all by nature desire the acceptance of our families, friends and peers but what if all of these forsake us?
Are we defeated as the children of God? I must find my answer in the words of Paul who knew abandonment so well......While listing the trials and difficulties of the ministry he asserts that they are.. "Persecuted, but not forsaken;...." (2Cor.4:9)
Though all people should turn their backs to me and despise me I know that my advocate abides faithful! Because there was a time when he endured being forsaken by God that I may never have to endure it! Even if the closest of family were to utterly disown me and cast my name out forever I can find consolation in the words of the Psalmist...."When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up." (Psa.27:10)
(How firm a foundation! How wonderful to know that my redeemer liveth, that he is ever faithful, and that he is coming again to receive us to himself!
With John I say...."Even so come Lord Jesus."
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