"How are the graces of patience, resignation, meekness, and faith, to be discovered and increased, but by exercise? The Lord has chosen, called, and armed us for the fight; and shall we wish to be excused?
It is true that you feel contrary principles, that you are conscious of defects and defilements; but it is equally true that you could not be right if you did not feel these things. To be conscious of them, and humbled for them, is one of the surest marks of grace; and to be more deeply sensible of them than formerly, is the best evidence of growth in grace. But when the enemy would tempt us to doubt and distrust, because we are not perfect, then he fights, not only against our peace, but against the honour and faithfulness of our dear Lord. Our righteousness is in Him, and our hope depends, not upon the exercise of grace in us, but upon the fulness of grace and love in Him, and upon His obedience unto death."
1 comment:
What a good word from John Newton! It applies to many of us, including myself. If I keep my eyes upon my many failings, and lose sight of the Lord's promise to keep us, then the devil wins by causing my heart to sink. It's not a matter of excusing my sin and shortfall, but looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. I'm thankful that the Lord led you to this quote. I hope you don't mind if I post it sometime, along with a link back? Thank you.
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