"A man who knows that he owns a tree and thanks you for the use he has of it, even though he does not know its exact height or the width of its spread, is better than another who measures it and counts all its branches, but neither owns it nor knows and loves its Creator. In just the same way, a man who has faith in you owns all the wealth of the world, for if he clings to you, whom all things serve, though he has nothing yet he owns them all. It would be foolish to doubt that such a man, though he may not know the track of the Great Bear, is altogether better than another who measures the sky and counts the stars and weighs the elements, but neglects you who allot to all things their size, their number, and their weight."
The observations of Augustine remind me again that our God, who has made all things and sustains all things for His own glory, has not vacated the throne and is still the owner and disposer of it all! As the hymn writer asked: "Why should I be discouraged?" The response of an enlightened heart came: "His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me."
Yes Tom,
I agree. I have been convicted lately of having this same attitude toward God. By that I mean that I tend to be absorbed in knowing ABOUT him, but the cry of my heart isn't always the same as Paul's. "I want to know Him, and the power of His resurrection, the fellowship in His suffering; being conformed to His death. . so that I can be found in Him." - (no particular translation just my memory)
The kids and I have been memorizing Psalm 24.
The first verse is"
The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; the world and those who dwell therein.
And it is not only awe-inspiring but also incredibly comforting to remember that God indeed owns everything, regardless of who appears to be in charge.
Craig & Heather,
We have unfathomable riches in Christ that so often go unmined.
His great salvation, His continual intercession for us, His place that He has prepared for us to behold His glory forever, and His rule over all as King Of Kings and Lord of Lords!
Do we really view ourselves as children of the King, as joint-heirs with Christ?
As Augustine made mention of, if we know God, we possess all things!
May my heart ever confess: "The Lord is mine and I am His!"
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