"To deny ourselves is to behave toward ourselves as Peter did toward Jesus when he denied him three times. The verb is the same (aparneomai). He disowned him, repudiated him, turned his back on him. Self-denial is not denying to ourselves luxuries such as chocolates, cakes, cigerettes and cocktails (though it might include this); it is actually denying or disowning ourselves, renouncing our supposed right to go our own way."
(John Stott)
We are dead, and our life is hidden with Christ in God.
Why we don't immediately renounce ourselves in exchange for the power of His resurrection is beyond me, yet we keep trying to bring back that old dead man.
Amen Craig,
We must continually run back to the gospel and view, again and again, our suffering substitute!
Amen... That is a great quote...
Thanks for this brother...
Good point as well Craig...
I amazed at how I can often turn to so many futile things when we have "so great a (daily) salvation" in Christ...Yet I am more amazed at what we have in Christ and how as much as we fall we can much more look to Him...
I thought that he really captured the point of self-denial well when he brought out the comparison with Peter. I believe this makes it very vivid!
Thank you for passing this along.
I'm so often focused on the physical aspect of "denying" myself certain earthly things that I don't realize that it puts the spotlight right back on me.
I too am guilty of looking to myself rather than declaring with the Apostle Paul, "I am crucified with Christ". It is so true that Christianity is not a changed life, it is an exchanged life, that is, it is no longer the believer that lives, but Christ that liveth in them!
Very true...quite a vivid picture when we think of brother Peter's denial...
To return or live as we once did, autonomous, with no need of Christ is such a horrible, bone chilling thought. All though we can at times be turned every way possible, it is sheer amazing grace that keeps the deep, abiding longing to continue under Christ's reign, leaving self behind. To say in the midst of confusion, loss, sin etc...his ways and headship is so much better, He is good, He is my portion forever...we know that truly his "yoke is easy and his burden is light".
Such joy is not of this world...
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