"Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets." (Luke 6:26)
Why is there so little Christian persecution in America?
Yes, I know there are verbal and print attacks from time to time. What I am speaking of is an anger and hatred that mirrors what the early church in Biblical times and afterwards suffered.
Could the reason be in our own willingness to stay in "our place" and remain in our religious comfort zone?
Or, could it be that we have, in large part, strayed from the "whole council of God" and replaced it with that which is more suited to our own Americanized tastes?
Do the lives of most professed Christians demonstrate a "newness of life", a radical transformation?
Where, for the most part, is practical Godliness?
Considering the present state of our nation and her churches, how can there be agreement between them and Biblical Christianity?
Would not one expect that this strong disagreement would produce hostility in those who are still at war with God?
Have we conformed, in many ways, without realizing it? Or, do we realize more than we are willing to admit?
A question I must certainly answer!
"when the cross is abolished, and the rage of tyrants and heretics ceases on the one side, and all things are in peace, this is a sure token that the pure doctrine of God's Word is taken away." (Martin Luther)
If we look at Jesus here drove more away that he brought in.
I believe most folks are victims of pride. The "I'm not really that bad" syndrome. Yet they don't understand that God's requirement is Perfection!
So most like the Pharisees refuse to acknowledge their Sin.
Amen! Considering that most advice towards 'reaching' the lost has more to do with 'being relevant' (which usually means at their level), when you hear of someone saying something like 'non-confrontational way of sharing the gospel' (what kind is that?).
"Friendship evangelism" which usually means 'don't mention hell, sin, justice or holiness until you've 'earned' the right, give it several yrs (no urgency).
AND... We are so prone to claim our 'rights' or our ability to 'defend' ourselves (quite a foreign attitude to the early church)
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