Thou hast given me a Saviour,
produce in me a faith to live by him,
to make him all my desire,
all my hope,
all my glory.
May I enter him as my refuge,
build on him as my foundation,
walk in him as my way,
follow him as my guide,
conform to him as my example,
receive his instructions as my prophet,
rely on his intercession as my high priest,
obey him as my king.
May I never be ashamed of him or his words,
but joyfully bear his reproach,
never displease him by unholy or imprudent conduct,
never count it a glory if I take it patiently
when buffeted for a fault,
never make the multitude my model,
never delay when thy word invites me to advance.
May the dear Son preserve me from this present
evil world,
so that its smiles never allure,
nor its frowns terrify,
nor its vices defile,
nor its errors delude me.
May I feel that I am a stranger and a pilgrim
on earth,
declaring plainly that I seek a country,
my title to it becoming daily more clear,
my meetness for it more perfect,
my foretastes of it more abundant;
and whatsoever I do may it be done
in the Saviour's name."
(from "The Valley of Vision")
I was once again am challenged by the desires expressed in this prayer. I see afresh that true, vital Christianity has Christ as its source and Christ as its goal. He is our life and reason for living. He is our strength for fighting the good fight of faith! I pray that I would walk worthy of the vocation to which I am called and never bring reproach on the name of Christ.
Good posts. I like your quotes from other, past preachers that still speak to our spiritual needs today.
Warren, Thanks much for your encouraging words!
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