"For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren." (Rom.8:29)
"That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;" (Phil.3:10)
What does it mean to be "conformed" to his image? What does it mean to be "made conformable to His death"?
This is how a dictionary defines "Conform": (to make similar in form or character/to bring into harmony)
I do believe we have a problem!......"similar in form or character", "To bring into harmony".....With Christ!!
This will take a radical work of "conforming"!! Christ is holy and ever walks in the way of the Father in perfect obedience and complete faithfulness. I am unholy and I walk after my own wants and desires and am found to be most faithful, not to Him, but to myself! If such a "conformity" is ever to be achieved, God must do it. He alone can bring to pass such a radical transformation! I also know that this work will not be comfortable or appealing to the flesh, on the contrary, the flesh will resist it and strive to run away from it.
There are other words and phrases that desribe the ordained plan and purpose of God for the believer, such as, "Pruning", "Purging", "Refining"........Crucifying!
None of these words conjure up images of ease or pleasantness. Instead they bring to mind discomfort and suffering. But if One is to be "conformed" into the "similar form and character" of the Son, and brought into "harmony" with Him,.....there is no other way.
O' I wish there were! I have no innate desire for the way of struggle, the way of suffering, the way of constriction and narrowness that presses so hard on all that my flesh holds dear!....But, if I am to be "conformed", I must follow Him to Calvary!
This is the calling of every true believer. This is the aim and purposed end of the Father for us.....To "conform" us to the image of His dear Son. And, in order for this image to replace what I have inherited from Adam....I MUST die!
I must be "made conformable to his death".....I must, "take up my cross and follow him"!
There is no easy, flesh gratifying way to be "conformed", to be pruned, or purged, or refined.
No wonder Jesus said, "If anyone will follow me, let him sit down and count the cost." I recall a statement that was attributed to Bonhoeffer: "When Christ bids a man follow Him, He bids him to come and die."
Christianity is costly....It is costly indeed!.....But, consider the cost from this perspective: "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." (Rom. 8:18)
In contrast, we can seek to save our lives and preserve our comforts here, and in the end, lose both!
Yes, being "conformed" is an arduous and hard road.....yet, it yields true life, eternal comfort, and what every true believer so earnestly desires....To be like Him!!
Sooner or later we will all pass through His fire. I prefer to pass through sooner under His personal care, than to be cast in later under his severe judgement!!
Amen Craig, I'll heartily second that motion!!
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