"O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." (Jer. 10:23)
Life on this earth is often described as a Journey, the walking of a path that winds and turns as we live out our alotted time here. This Journey is sometimes pleasant and there is laughter and smiles, there is good news that comes and accomplishments that are achieved. This Journey is also marked by struggles,unfulfilled dreams, by sorrow and tears, by unwelcome tidings and failures of various kinds.
This Journey is often confusing and mysterious and it causes questions to arise in our hearts and minds, such as, "What is my purpose?", "What difference am I making in this world?", or ultimately, "Why am I here at all?"
This Journey is too great for us and often leaves us bewildered and feeling very small, insignificant, and alone!
This Journey is an opportunity for us to come to know ourselves as we come to know God, our Maker and Redeemer.
The aquired knowledge that is gained in this Journey concerning ourselves is, many times, grievous and causes us to groan within and to desire to quit or to turn aside in an effort to find a more pleasant and smooth way, but, as by an Invisible Hand, we are constrained to persevere and to take one more step and to Journey one more day.
This Journey has proven clearly to me that I am not equipped for the rugged terrain or the often harsh elements, and that I desperately need a guide, a Wise Counselor, a Shepherd to lead me in the way!
In this Journey I have experienced His direction, His care. He has often brought those into the path with me whom I needed for that very hour and struggle! He has often illuminated a verse of scripture that spoke to my present dilemma.
He has also, graciously hemmed in my way when I sought to turn down a side path that would have led to destruction and misery!
He has chastened me as a loving Father that I might be a partaker of His holiness.
When I reflect on this Journey I am humbled, I am moved to tears, I am ashamed of my, too often, cold and unthankful heart, and conversely, I am amazed at His longsuffering and faithfulness!
I don't know what lies around the next turn or over the next rise, but this thing I do know and am convinced of, if I acknowledge Him in all my ways, He shall direct my paths.
These paths will, no doubt often, be rough and hard, nevertheless, I have this promise, that He walks with me by His Spirit and ministers to me through His people and by His Word!
I stand upon the declaration of His Word which assures me that He completes what He begins.
This life is indeed a Journey, a pathway that stretches before us, sometimes bright and cheerful, sometimes dark and foreboding, but in this Journey I take consolation in this, that One has gone before to provide life now, and at the end of this Journey, and has been, and can be toucned with the feelings of my infirmities and ever liveth to make intercession for me!
Because of these exceeding great and precious promises I will continue to walk by His grace and hope for the coming day when I no longer "see through a glass darkly", but instead, I will behold Him face to face! Then I will know as I am known and the path I have trod and the Journey I have taken will be seen for the glorious "working together for good" that God had ordained for me before this world of paths and Journeys was!
"But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." (Prov.4:18)
Well said my friend, well said.
I am so thankful that He has chosen to depict himself as our Shepherd, not our CEO. "Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for Thou art with me, Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me."
"My sheep know my voice, and they follow me"
Thanks for the reminder,
Brother, where would we be, and what hope would we have if it were not for our Great Shepherd?
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