Monday, July 13, 2009


"Ever since in the creation of the universe he brought forth those insignia whereby he shows his glory to us, whenever and wherever we cast our gaze...And since the glory of his power and wisdom shine more brightly above, heaven is often called his palace. Yet...wherever you cast your eyes, there is no spot in the universe wherein you cannot discern at least some sparks of his glory."
(John Calvin/Institutes 1.5.1)

Here are some of the photos that were taken in Geneva at St. Pierre Cathedral:

1.)R.C. preaching in the Cathedral of St.Pierrre where Calvin preached.
2.)The Bell towers of the church.
3.)Me and Calvin's chair!
4.)The front entrance to the church.(the massiveness of which is not really captured by pictures!)




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Mary said...

So glad you got to see that. Thanks for sharing.

SQLSvrMan said...

Wow, just the history in all of it.