Thursday, December 31, 2009

"A Thankful Heart"

"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another." (Rom.14:19)

In this post, on the first day of 2010, please allow me to wax sentimental for a moment!

I just wanted to express my thankfulness for each one of you whose blog posts I read and enjoy. I am greatly profited by each one! I also am truly grateful for all of the encouraging and helpful comments.

It is a blessing beyond words to know you all, even those whom I have never seen face to face, and to consider together, the unsearchable riches of Christ!

I look forward to the coming days and the food for the soul that I am sure is to come!

Blessed beyond measure!


Craig and Heather said...

It has been a blessing to discuss and seek the Lord with you as well

In Christ,

Craig and Heather said...

Right back at ya Tom.

Your heart, your insight, and your fellowship has been very precious to me. I look forward to more in this new year.

Who knows maybe sometime God will allow us to meet face to face in this world. If not, lets take a few hundred years to get to know each other in the next world!


Tom Gabbard said...

Craig and Heather,

Thanks so much for your fellowship on the journey! Amen And Amen on the eternity offer!!

William said...

Thank you Bro Tom for your insight and helpful encouragement. I'm looking forward to some great dialogue this year with everyone in our shared corner of the internet.

Tom Gabbard said...


I will second that motion!