Monday, May 31, 2010

Some Thoughts.......

Hello to all,

I haven't posted in a few days so I thought that I would just share some things that are bouncing around in my head!

First of all I am daily amazed at the goodness of God and His mercy toward me. He sheds abundant provision on me for my every need. He is worthy of all praise and honor, even if I had never received one good thing from His Holy hand!

Secondly, I am hunbled and stirred in heart when I think of the precious brothers and sisters that the Lord has brought into my life over the years. These dear Saints have many times refreshed my weary soul with their words of wisdom and encouragement.

Where would I be without the faith and strength that flows from the Head and through the other members of the body to nourish my heart and mind?

As I have mentioned in a previous post, the last several months have been some of the most trying of my life as I have dealt with anxiety issues and just a general sense of nervousness and depression. I will freely admit, this has been the toughest ordeal that I have ever endured, and am stil battling!

But God, who is rich in mercy, interposes daily on my behalf through His word, His Spirit, and His children!

I, like you, don't understand many of the experiences of this life, but I am convinced that God is good all the time and that He is working all things for His glory and our profit!

Let me offer my deepest expressions of heart felt thanks for your intercessions for me before the throne of grace, and I continue to covet your prayers on my behalf as I seek to keep my eyes fixed on the gospel and the beauties of Christ!

A Fellow Pilgrim,



Matt said...

I will be praying for you. I enjoy and look foward to talking with you when Ashley and I come into Nashville. I am thankful that the Lord has allowed us to establish a friendship, that I hope will grow more and more. We'll just have to keep those ladies waiting!

Craig and Heather said...

I pray for you daily. I want you to know that God works in my heart as I read the things that you post. His Glory shows in your struggle.

Tom Gabbard said...

Thanks so much brothers, you both are tremendous encouragements to me and I thank our Lord for your fellowship!

Bobby said...

Hang in there brother..It has been an encouragement for me to talk to you and to walk these troubled waters together...

The Lord is using your infirmity to minister to me as well as others...

blessings, bm

Tom Gabbard said...

Thanks so much Brother Bobby, you are likewise a blessing to me!